Davis Family

I've Moved!!!
Hey everyone, I'm changing my blog interface to better integrate with my website so I will no longer be using blogger.  I'm hoping my new blog will be more user friendly and easier to navigate.  Below are the links to my updated website and blog.  Let me know what you think....on the other blog of course :-).

Website:  http://www.kimbullockphotography.com/

Blog:  http://www.kimbullockphotography.com/blog

Here are few from one of my spring sessions. This family is adorable! Kaylie is basically a professional at getting her pictures taken. She is Gorgeous! And Braydon the oldest is the such a gentleman! He helped me carry my suitcases to my car!!! How cute is that? Also I love that we took a few pictures of the Grandparents (hard to tell their grandparents right?) apparently they haven't had their picture taken in years. So I snapped a few of them too.  

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